New Year’s Resolution: Exercise, Eat Right, and Go Paperless

The start of a New Year and it’s time for everybody’s resolutions — which, if you’re like me, won’t last until February.  Going to the gym more?  Cutting out that morning muffin or extra cup of coffee each day?  It sounds good now but only time will tell if you can sustain it over the long term.

How about your work?  Have you thought about changing your printing habits, or how you can reduce your ‘paper footprint’?  Google has, and along with other companies, they’re encouraging online users to Go Paperless in 2013.

The idea is simple enough and PDF users probably “get it” more than most.  And with today’s technology it’s never been simpler to create, organize, and store your electronic documents in the cloud without having to resort to paper printing.  Retrieve the information you need, when you need it, on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

It’s not only more convenient, but it’s also friendlier for the environment.  For example, a while back the World Wildlife Federation introduced a new .WWF file format for paperless files.  This WWF format is basically a PDF that cannot be printed out. It’s a great idea, but the WWF file is also encrypted so you cannot go back and edit the file or print it out at a later date.  If you just use PDF, you’ll be accomplishing this same thing and still give yourself a little more flexibility in the future.

You might want to consider Taking the Pledge to Go Paperless in 2013.  Throughout the year the Paperless Coalition will be promoting Paperless 2013 via an email newsletter.

In future articles we’ll also be exploring some cloud storage services that can help you keep this resolution, especially for users of PDF files.

Now, time to get that muffin…

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