At Your Command — New Win2PDF Command Line Options

One of the most frequently requested features we’ve had over the years has been for a command line option to Win2PDF that allows existing PDF files to manipulated in a variety of ways. Well, the wait is over. Our most recent 10.0.48 release (a free upgrade to registered Win2PDF 7 or later customers) now has this PDF Command Line capability via our Win2PDF Desktop app.

win2pdf command lineWhat can you do with PDF command line options? Lots of things, including:

Download the latest version and try these new features today. As always, if you have any questions or issues using these new features, let us know at our support site.

Editing a PDF file with Adobe Reader – Part 2

In our last post we looked at the new annotation features in Adobe Reader XI.  Those features are useful if you need to makes comments or markup a PDF file.  But what if you want to extract pages from a PDF file, or rearrange the pages, or combine multiple PDF files together into one document.

Win2PDF can be used with  Adobe Reader (or any other PDF viewing application) to accomplish these tasks.  You’ll essentially need to open a existing PDF file in Adobe Reader and print a range of pages to Win2PDF.  If you print just a simple range of pages once, you can “extract” pages.  If you print a series of different pages and then merge them together in a new file, you can “rearrange” the PDF.  Or, if you print an entire PDF and append the results to a different PDF file, you can effectively “merge” the two files together.

Print a range of pages from Adobe Reader
Print a range of pages from Adobe Reader

To see a detailed description of each Win2PDF procedure, please visit our support pages here: